After reading all of this mascot talk, I started wondering what all of these
mascots do during the periods.  I know that Goldy Gopher goes up to his perch
above the west goal and plays with a collection of toys to represent different
players, officials, and of course our famous local columnist (Sid Hartman).  He
has a Homer Simpson, Bert and Ernie, Dino, and BeetleJuice dolls, along with an
allegator on a rope that he uses to torment myself and the other First Aid
people at Mariucci Arena.
What do the other mascots do when they not skating around between periods?
Go Minnesota... Home of the Horned Sweedes, Wood Mutts, and Rink Rats!
-          Kevin Hansen             -
-       MN Twin Family Study        -
-     University of Minnesota       -
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