Pam writes:
 >I read in the Mpls paper (I think in Sid Hartman's column) that the WCHA is
 >questioning whether Mike McAlpine will have 4 years of eligibility or only 3,
 >but I didn't hear why.
 I just talked to Patti in the Hockey office and she told me that the reason is
 due to when he turned 20. And the debate continues, because WCHA Commissioner
 Otto Breitenbach sent his decision, but it differs from the USA hockey rules/
 dates. If I get an update on this I will let you know!
 Other notes of interest:
 Minnesota Hockey Magazine has changed it's Hockey, The Art of the
 State. Some dispute caused the change in the name.
 There will be no Gopher intra-squad games off-campus this year, and due to the
 fact that the old Mariucci/Williams arenas are still under some construction,
 there won't be any that the public can attend on-campus. (BOO!)
 Only 24 more days till the Gopher season opener!!!
 ...RAH RAH RAH for SKI-U-MAH!!!