I woke up at 6 am with $48 and ID inh hand and ran over to the Union.
The tickets were going on sale at 8 am, and I figured there would only
be a few people in line, esp. with me getting there "so early" and being
in East Quad, which is a short hop.  However, when I got there, the line
was in front of the union!
Finally, at around 7:30 I got inside the building.  I got out of the
Union with my ticket voucher at 9 am, just in time for my organic chem
class.  (-:
So, I picked Center ice, lower, but I bet I'll get face off point right
near a goal, very high.  Anyway, I was the 676th person on line.  After
I got my voucher I ran down to the subway in the Student Union to get my
free Michigan Hockey sweather (for the first 700 people who showed up at
the Subway).  It's nice, except that it has a big subway ad on the back.
However, my friends came by at 12 noon with a michgan sweater in hand,
bearing the # 939.  Hmm.. (-:
One bitch: The policy is that someone can stand in line with as many IDs
as they want.  Somer people had up to 18!
Oh well, in a month I'll figure out if I have good seats or not.  (-:
Eric Rickin ([log in to unmask])
University of Michigan Class of 1996
Tomorrow's my Birthday!