I had hoped to be able to provide you with the schedules, however...
I called up the SJSU ticket office, and was transferred to the athletic
dept. The athletic department then told me that while they kept schedules
for the revenue sports, they didn't for club sports (or as they said--
"Oh, ice hockey isn't *intercollegiate*."). So, one more transfer to the
club sport office. They told me that they thought they had schedules, and I
could pick them up by coming down to campus and wandering by their office.
So, I guess I'll be taking a long lunch hour this week to get the schedule.
Next, I called  the Stanford ticket office--they don't handle the hockey
tickets (just football, basketball, and volleyball), so I was transferred
to the atheltic dept. I was told there that the schedule was just in this
morning, and *they could mail it to me as soon as they made copies*.
Well, at least that's a little more like it.
So, with any luck, there should be schedules from the south end of the
San Francicso bay soon. Are there any Cal people out there?