Hi everyone, I am new to this list and thought that I would put my two cents
worth into the current Detroit discussion.
I agree with Bri, why give Detroit another chance?  It doesn't help college
hockey much having playoff games in a half empty arena.  It also takes away
from the excitement of the game.  One thing that makes college hockey so
great is the crowd.
Another option for the west regional in the future would be Milwaukee.  I
think the people of Milwaukee have shown that they support college hockey
due to the NC$$ finals being sold out there already.  In addition, the Bradley
Center is a first class facility that was built for hockey.
I disagree with having the regionals on campus sites.  For one thing, the
facilities on most college campuses are not large enough.  I also think that
college hockey gets more exposure if the regionals are held off campus.
I also have to disagree with Paul Marchant's assessment of why hockey is so big
in Wisc. and Minn.  The basetball teams at both schools also enjoy great fan
support.  I am not totally sure about Wisconsin but I do know that Minn. has
near sell-out crowds at all bigten basketball games.  From what I have seen on
T.V., the Wisconsin games seem to be near sell-outs also.  In addition, when
you have 30,000 to 40,000 students, I think there should be enough to show
stong support for both hockey and basketball.
I am a big Wisconsin Badger fan so add another name to the list of WCHA fans.
Tim Johnson
Let's go BIG RED !!!!!
Sieve! Sieve! Sieve!