Just a couple of thoughts...
 One of the "problems" that we Minnesotans suffered from in regards to the West
 Regional being scheduled in Detroit was the fact that Joe Louis Arena places a
 hefty charge on any TV station that wants to broadcast from there. We were
 effectively "shut-out" of ALL TV broadcasting of the game.
 In answer to another comment, "how would MPLS have fared if Minn and Wisconsin
 had gone East" (and the regional was in MPLS) We would have done LOTS better
 than Detroit! (AND they both DID GO EAST last year!! ;-) ) If the Gophers
 and/or the Badgers are involved, that noticeably BOOSTS attendance, but this
 is a HOCKEY TOWN so we will go and watch GOOD hockey. It doesn't matter who's
 playing! We packed them in at the Olympic Festival in '90 and in '91 many
 people drove to St. Cloud to see the Olympic camp games.