Greetings y'all!  I haven't seen any info about the prices for season
tickets at NMU, so here goes:
1992-1993 Hockey Season
-- For 16 HOME Games --
Student Price:  $ 51.00  º
Regular Price:  $102.00  º------ Reserved Seating (West End of Arena)
This comes out to $3.19 per Student per game.
Without the Student Discount, it's $6.38 per game.
Bear in mind this price is DOUBLE what we paid for the 1991-1992 Season.
I don't have any info. on the prices for faculty members, sorry.
Dwayne Nyman    ([log in to unmask])
    N    N  M      M  U    U                 *MARQUETTE, MI*
    NN   N  M M  M M  U    U        H O M E  O F  T H E  W O R L D ' S
    N  N N  M  MM  M  U    U            LARGEST WOODEN STRUCTURE--
    N    N  M      M   UUUU          T H E  S U P E R I O R  D O M E
L E T ' S  G O  C A T S ! ! !