I said I'd try to keep you up to date on the process to name a new hockey coach
 at MTU.  Last nights Houghton Daily Mining Gazette had an article in it
 stating that a new head coach will be named later this week, possibly as soon
 as thursday.  All candidates have been interviewed, and the list has been
 narrowed down to 4.  Which four wasn't revealed.  But a couple of current head
 coaches, (sorry left paper at home, and dont have the names) and an assistant
 at Michigan (Mel Pearson, former Huskie hockey player) have been seen in town
  last week.  I'll keep you posted.
     Hang on, This just in as i type this.....  MTU will name a new coach at a
      meeting at 9 AM this morning at the Student Development Center. I'll keep
       the radio on and be back with you after 9!