Bri writes:
> Does anybody have any more on the Alaska-Fairbanks situation? I know they
> had to forfeit 12 games due to an ineligible player but has anyone heard
> what caused the ineligibility? Who leveled the penalty?
Here's what I know about it:
The ineligible player was senior defenseman Derek Linnell.  Apparently he had
played a year with a college team in his hometown of Red Deer, Alberta before
he came here to UAF.  I don't know exactly what happened as far as the screw-up
is concerned, but I sincerely doubt that Coach Don Lucia was unaware of
Linnell's experience.  After all, what coach doesn't know where his players have
played?  I know Lucia personally, though, and I refuse to believe he would
intentionally jeopardize the team's standing or violate NC$$ rules; I think it
was an oversight.
As far as I know, the UAF Athletic Department discovered the infraction
themselves, and rather than try to cover it up, they came forward and admitted
the infraction to the NC$$.
If you need more info, I'll try to dig it up.