TIcket prices here at Clarkson range from $75 for students and faculty
to $85 for the general public. First time general public get a discounted
rate of $70. It should also be noted that the package does not include the
Parents' Weekend opener against UNH. It should also be noted that all
students can get general admission seating free (first come, first serve).
BRI FARENELL			  |	"Hockey must be a great game to
CLARKSON '95			  |       survive what the NHL has done
[log in to unmask]  | 	 to it."
rec.sport.hockey's AHL contact	  |    ---Howard Baldwin, Penguins owner
Get your very own Commissioner's puppet. The Commish's puppet is the newest in
the line of puppets officially licensed by the Major League Baseball owners.
He joins the National League president and the American League president.