Bill Fenwick writes:
>[ Clumsy segue alert ] Anyway, all this has got me wondering how other
>schools conduct their season ticket sales, or if they even have any.  About
>half the season tickets at Cornell go in the student sale, while the others
>are available for Cornell faculty, staff, and the general public.  I was
>talking with my friend Bob, a Cornell professor, and he was not pleased with
>the fact that the non-student season tix are renewable.  He is interested in
>getting tickets but is finding it next to impossible, and he fixes the blame
>on "those damn townies" who have held season tickets for years and only go
>to a few games.  He also said that when he was out at Wisconsin (15 or 20
>years ago), the season tickets were not renewable, which he felt was a
>fairer system.  Of course, since I have renewable season tickets, I
>disagreed with him :-)
At Minnesota staff and public season tickets are renewable, but student
tickets are not.  Student season tickets are sold by lottery if applications
exceed available tickets, but I believe that the supply has generally been
sufficient.  I have no idea how these policies will change when the new
arena opens next season, though.
-- Erik