In Re Mark Gibbons posting on Team Coke v. Team Nike:  HEAR, HEAR!
Actually, there have been good points brought out by both sides of the
discussion and I doubt there will be any consensus of opinion on this issue.
What I would *like* to see happen is a complete revamping of the Olympics to
get rid of the influence of money.  As it is, we are very near to having
olympic sports simply bought out by corporate sponsors.  Is this really any
better than having some countries subsidize "amateur" athletes, some send pros
and some send true amateurs?  I fear there really is no solution.
Tom Rowe                                Internet:[log in to unmask]
The essence of understanding is to testify to one's poverty, and submit to
the Will of the Lord, the Sovereign, the Gracious, the All-Powerful.
(Tablets of Baha'u'llah, pages 155-156)