my $0.02
The Olympic ideal was that each nation would send the best of their youth to
compete in a non-military fashion.  There was to be joy in the competition,
valient effort between freindly rivals.  The belief being that money would
cheapen the effort (this theory is being borne out even as we speak)
The pressure to win was applied by nations, insecure in their "manhood"
in an effort to demonstrate their " superiority (see 1936 Berlin games).
Now it is applied by fast food, shoe & soda companies to maxamize profits.
The effort applied is not important, only results (see 1992 USA basketball
team).  This is a sad bastardazation of the whole proccess, which will
continue till it is not Team USA vs. Team Boliva, but Team Coke vs. Team
Nike. (p.s. we will have to pay $72.50 to see that "dream" match up on
I would gladly trade one hundred "dream team" victories for that one
a bunch of kids got at Lake Placid.
But my veiw may be jaunticed by the fact that I think pro hockey is infinitly
INFERIOR to good college hockey.
mark e. gibbons			[log in to unmask]
	Ramblings from Hockey Hell.