My 2 cents...
Of all the comments I've read, I'd have to side with Mike.  The Olympics
are way too political for me, but if I were czar of the world I'd allow
NHL players to play.  I wouldn't alter the NHL schedule for them, however.
Their pre-Olympic and Olympic participation would mean them misssing some
of the NHL season.  They'd have to work that out with their respective
teams, because I'd require the final roster to be assembled 6-8 weeks in
advance and those players must play/practice/travel with the Olympic team.
In other words, no megastar would be allowed to join the team as they were
bording the plane for the Olypics.  You commit yourself earlier or you
don't go.  I'd also prefer to keep the team relatively young.  At this
point, I don't need to see Gretzky, Lemeiux, Yzerman, et al.  Let's send
the Amontes, Roenicks, Dionnes, Madeleys, Pellerins, etc. and put aside
any comments of this not being the "best" team (either USA or Canada).  A
team comprised of rising NHL superstars along with college and junior
players would be a joy to see.
John H