Because of an ineligible player, Alaska-Fairbanks has been
forced to forfeit a dozen games from the 91-92 season.
Apparently, one of their players had used up his eligibility
(some sort of junior league and red-shirt confusion) but
continued to play for the Nanooks. Thus, they go from
17-17-1 to 5-29-1 for the year. The twelve games become
1-0 losses (I think--but I've also heard 3-0) for UAF.
Here are the 12 forfeits:
   10-25    Miami
   11-15    @Army
   11-16    @Army
   11-29    Air Force
   11-30    Air Force
   12-11    Alab-Huntsville
   12-20    Lake Forest
   12-21    Lake Forest
    1-11    @Alab-Huntsville
    1-14    Brown
    1-17    Kent
    1-31    Denver
More news later on the subject, I hope.