I was very relieved to read the more reassuring news about the condition of
Gophers assistant Bill Butters.  Since he's apparently doing okay and obviously
planning on continuing his coaching duties (albeit with helmet!), I hope it's
not crass to comment on an aspect of the situation mentioned in Carol's message:
>Oh, and standard procedure in Minnesota is to revoke for six months the
>driver's license of any person that has had a seizure...so coach Butters will
>be needing rides all over the place! (volunteers will be accepted!)
That could be a serious recruiting handicap, if Butters can't drive until next
February.  That will seriously hamper his ability to go and scout players.  I'm
sure the NCAA has a LOT to say about who can do the recruiting and how much.
To what extent can some of the recruiting duties be shifted to other people?
Pam Sweeney
Go Gophers!!!