From an article in the Star Tribune today:
 (From News Services)
 For the first time in the NHL's 75-year history, team owners are seriously
 considering rule changes that virtually might eliminate fighting. At the league
  meetings in Montreal this weekend, owners will discuss and probably vote on a
 proposal to eject any player penalized for fighting. The current punishment is
 a 5-minute penalty.
 The debate could produce the boardroom equivalent of a bench-clearing brawl.
 With the league's current state of disarray at the leadership level --- John
 Ziegler is stepping down as president, but no successor has been determined ---
  it is impossible to predict an outcome.
 "A lot of people are nervous about this," said Jim Lites, executive vice presi-
 dent of the Detroit Red Wings. "It is a hotly contested issue. Aggressiveness
 is part of our game."
 I couldn't resist posting this even though it pertains only to the NHL. I had
 a really good laugh when I saw it in the paper today! *grin*
 Former Gopher defenseman and 1992 Olympic hopeful Lance Pitlick is getting
 married tomorrow evening to former Gopher gymnast Lisa Wittwer.
 All the best to Lance and Lisa!