Just a few tidbits from Gopherland.  It was reported in Sid Hartman's column
 today that former Gopher Marty Nanne (son of Lou Nanne) is hanging up his
 skates for good after his last shoulder surgery.
 Also from Sid's column over the weekend, it is expected that senior defenseman
 Doug Zmolek will not sign with the San Jose Sharks, as he has not heard from
 them lately and will return to the Gopher lineup this fall. The BIG question
  though, is will he change his number AGAIN this year???? ;-)
 The Minneapolis hockey developmental leagues began their summer season last
 night and will continue through the end of July. I am looking forward to going
 to at least one (set) game each week!
 Today is my second anniversary of posting to the list and thanks to all for
 helping to keep me entertained with hockey news ALL year long!! ;-)  *:-)
 U of M
 GO Gophers!!!