Regarding Cornell recruiting: I heard from Casey Jones a while back that
Cornell had recruited Greg Ratushny (brother of you-know-who) and that
"he's a moose, eh."  I received a semi-confirmation of that fact from
a guy I know who works closely with Wohlhueter (the SID).  Usually, when
the Big Red have a big recruiting year we hear about the prospects sometime
in February or March via the Cornell Daily Sun; no news this year, though,
which makes me a bit pessimistic about Cornell's having recruited some
"gunners" (sigh .... gone are the days of Moeser and Natyshak ...).
Regarding hockey-L romances: funny, I was going to guess Lisa Sweeney ---
no particular reason, but her name popped into my head when you broached
the subject for the first time, Dave.
						Dave Delchamps
						Let's Go Red !!