AD Justin Doherty wrote:
>Northern Michigan could be ranked No. 1 all season long, win the WCHA
>regular season and playoffs and have to travel to Minnesota (for
>example) because Mariucci Arena has a larger capacity than Lakeview
>Arena.  Where does this stuff come from?
RIT has both benefitted and been hurt by similar policies in the Div. III
realm.  In 1989, lower-ranked RIT hosted #1 Wisconsin, Stevens Point, for that
year's NC$$ finals (2 games + minigame, if needed) because Ritter Arena holds
more people than WSP's arena.  This is the only time I remember seeing RIT play
in their "away" jerseys at "home".  The previous year, I believe Elmira (NY)
hosted Wisconsin, River Falls (?) under the same circumstances.  Both years,
the higher-ranked "visiting" team from the west won the championship.
In 1986, defending champion and #1-ranked RIT had to travel to Bemigi (sp? - I
can never remember) MN for the "phinal phour" because two teams from the west
made it to the finals for the first time in a number of years.  This after
having (I think) their best record ever, being #1 most of the year, and (for
all of you Div. I bigots :-) ) beating several Div. I teams, including
Clarkson, and winning the SIT (Syracuse Inv. Tournament)!
Doesn't sound fair, does it?  Yet the NC$$ has set the precedent.  I wouldn't
be too surprised to see it happen at the Div. I level...