[log in to unmask] writes:
>In it's infinite wisdom, the Big Ten Athletic Conference is considering
>passing a resolution calling for 40% of each school's varsity athletes
>to be female.  This may have little or no effect on the hockey programs
Sounds good to me...I don't know why they don't call for 50%, or maybe
a more reasonable number would be the percentage of female undergrads.
>(Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State), but still...why?  Some schools
>may need to cut mens programs and/or add womens programs.  I'm all in
Heaven forbid!  We can't have that happening...wouldn't that be terrible?
>Michigan may need to develop a 100 person womens football team to meet
>the new suggested rule!
Well, my suggestion would be to can the 100 person mens football team,
but then, nobody asked me.
Charlie Slavin
Disgusted with the direction much of society is taking.