After purusing the stats listed earlier in the week, I could not help notice
that the ECAC had a dominance in many of the defensve categories (GAA, Save %,
Penalty killing).  While I knew that the ECAC had some good goaltenders (Roy,
Soucy, Hughes, and Duffis to name only a few)  I did not realize how good the o
verall defences of the teams in the league were.  These statistics would seem
to support the idea that despite the abuse (some of it from me) that our refs
get about calling everything, the teams manage to play good tight defense.
Of course some might say that the reason we have such low GAA's is that no one
has a good offense, but I do not think the difference in goal scoring punch is
that different (except maybe here in Ithaca where the goal was unexplored terri
tory).  Any comments on these post-midnight musings?
 William Sangrey
 Cornell '87 & '9?
 Let's Go RED!!