Thanks for the inside scoop, Carol!  I was wondering about that myself from
  some of the notes that passed through the list.  I suppose Mike will say
  that he's interested in Heather for her 'hockey' mind!!  8-)
  For their sake, I hope Heather is not a fan of a certain "MET-ropolitan" New
  York City baseball team.  Mike was not at all please at the Hockey-L dinner
  in Albany when I brought up the topic of a certain series that the Red Sox
  lost to the afore mentioned team a few years ago.  Heather is from New York
  State, right?  Could be trouble...  ;-)
  Congrats, Mike!  Hmmm...  Did you ever imagine that the list you started a
  few years ago would become a remote dating service?  Gives new meaning to
  "anonynous ftp".