Kev inquired about a rumour in a Des Moines paper that Woog is under severe
 fire and may lose his job...
 I don't know WHO the reporter was talking to, but there have been NO reports of
  this kind in Minneapolis or St Paul and I don't expect to see any either.
 IMHO, the University would NOT be stupid enough to fire a coach who has earned
 so much respect in the state, and who's teams are SO CONSISTENT. Consistency is
  far more important than having a flash-in-the-pan championship season and then
  nothing for years and years. Having such a consistently good team has brought
 in a profit (from the hockey program) of approximately $1 million this year!!!
 That's nothing to sneeze at either, considering our dismal football team that
 has been in the red for several seasons.
 In fact, I was over at the hockey office just an hour ago and talked to Doug
 for a few minutes and he's in wonderful spirits and is excited about next
 season already. Didn't look like someone worried about his job.
 U of M
 GO Gophers!!!