I can only speak from the experience of being a part of Alaska-
Anchorage's Nissan/Jeep Classic tournament last December, but I
thought their crowds were among the best we saw last season.  We
played the Seawolves in the championship game of the tournament (a
rematch of our NCAA quarterfinal series of a year earlier, i.e.,
added incentive) and I found their fans to be quite vocal and
supportive of UAA.
A couple of interesting notes: 1) They have a 50/50 raffle of some
sort at each game and during at least one of the tournament games the
pot was something like $3,000; I was told that it has been as high as
5 or $6,000 on some occasions.  2) The scoreboard operator generates
a message that says, "How about a big, honkin' howl!?"  To which most
of the crowd responds with just that, in support of the home team.
We're playing there again in October.  Should be fun!
Justin Doherty, Northern Michigan