Date sent:  20-APR-1992 13:32:55
Could you please cancell my subscription to the list.
I enjoyed all the information this year, thanks.
I look forward to some day returning to the list.
NOTE: 14 line signature follows.
|                           ||                                              |
|  Mary M. Ashline          ||   U.S. Mail:  Sibley Hall                    |
|  Graduate Student         ||               SUNY                           |
|  Department of Hearing &  ||               Plattsburgh, NY  12901         |
|        Speech Science     ||               Phone: (518) 564-2170          |
|  State Univ. of New York  ||                                              |
|        at Plattsburgh     ||   BITNET:     ASHL5645@SNYPLAVA              |
|                           || INTERNET: [log in to unmask] |