I was too busy to watch the North Stars-Blues game on TV last night, but
college hockey was well represented, from what I did see when I tuned in
briefly to see if (now former) Gopher Trent Klatt was playing.  I saw him
on the ice with several former college (many WCHA) players:
	Neal Broten (Minn, Minn)
	Dave Christian (StL, NoDak)
	Denny Felsner (StL, Mich) -- one CCHA'er I'd heard of!
and the goalies:
	Jon Casey (Minn, NoDak)
	Curtis Joseph (StL, Wis)
and that's not counting some other former WCHAers who also played:
	Brett what's-his-name (8-)) (StL, UMD)
	Curt Giles (StL, UMD)
	Scott Sandelin (Minn, NoDak)
or were resting up for the playoffs:
	Jim Johnson (Minn, UMD)
	Bret Hedican (StL, StCloud)
or, for that matter, the Stars' color guy:
	Joe Micheletti (KMSP, Minn)
and those are only the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
Pam Sweeney
Go Gophers!!!