The Bad News:
Justin Doherty recently noted that eligibility exhaustion of Beattie,
Szabo, Beaufait, and Drake, plus Hiller's defection to the pros, means
68% of NMU's 1991-92 goals are gone
The Good News:
Rick Comley was recently quoted as saying that the Wildcats' style of
play might be a little different next year, "but there's no reason for
a drastic drop" (in wins).
I'm glad our coach is an optimist!  :-)  (Actually, I am too.  Justin,
could you furnish us with a statistic on "goals per minute played"
scored by the RETURNING Wildcats?  Might reassure us!)
                     *      Steve Christopher, NMU       *
                    *  "Go 'Cats!''Goin' for it again in  *
                    *     '93--With a little less "O"     *
                    *          and a lot more "D"!        *
                     *        [log in to unmask]         *