I would like to echo the thoughts of the men and women who have expressed
  their appreciation to Wayne Smith for administering HOCKEY-L. Too often we
  take for granted things we use and enjoy regularly with little thought to
  the people who make them possible. The simple fact is that without the time
  and effort of Wayne, there would be no HOCKEY-L.
  HOCKEY-L has provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions,
  furnished an extraordinary amount of hockey information - some of it
  unavailable anywhere else and been the basis for the formation of a number
  of friendships. From a personal perspective, HOCKEY-L has kept me
  up-to-date regarding a sport I truly love, something ordinary sports
  programs and publications don't do in this area.
  From an old Navy man, a much deserved WELL DONE to you, Wayne.
                                                           -- Hank Olson --