The annual hockey banquet was held a week ago.  I'm sure Justin
Doherty will give more details, but I can report that Dallas Drake
was named most valuable player--no surprise.  Corwin Saurdiff, the
freshman goalie, also won as rookie of the year, I believe--REALLY
no surprise.
Saturday evening we had dinner with a couple who is very close to
the players, especially the seniors, and it was said that Jim Hiller
was in constant telephone contact with his agent who was relaying
updates on negotiations with the NHL team which has the rights to
his services.  There was speculation that something might even have
been finalized that night, although the Sunday Mining Journal had
nothing on it that I noticed.
Also, the word was that Scott Beattie will probably go to Europe
to play.  That probably makes sense.  Scott's made it clear he would
love to have a shot at the North American pros, but everyone seems
to believe he's too small.  *He's* pointed out he weighs the same
as Wayne Gretzky, but I guess Gretzky is a couple of inches taller
(is height that important in hockey?).  Anyway, the European game
is probably very well suited to Scott's skills.  Maybe he'll be on
Team USA in '94.
Dallas Drake's rights belong to the Red Wings and everyone around here
thinks he'll do well in their organization.  (He hasn't been contracted
or assigned yet, as far as I know.)
I don't have any recent word on Mark Beaufait's pro prospects, but he
also was drafted a couple of years ago and is expected to sign with
someone before the next season.
                     *      Steve Christopher, NMU       *
                    *  "Go 'Cats!''Goin' for it again in  *
                    *     '93--With a little less "O"     *
                    *          and a lot more "D"!        *
                     *        [log in to unmask]         *