This is in regard to the earlier report I made on the incident between
the NMU athletic supporter (heh heh) and the Minnesota players and
Last night's Mining   Journal carried a column written by the sports
editor roundly condemning all parties, and going on to point out
the problems which spectator sports seem to be encountering ever
more often with unruly fans, drinking, profanity, etc.  Parts of the
piece sounded like they were almost taken word for word from my
posts on the subject. (I'm sure they weren't, BTW.)  Anyway, needless
to say, I was very pleased to read this perspective on the sports
page of the local paper, and coming from the editor.  :-)
                     *      Steve Christopher, NMU       *
                    *  "Go 'Cats!''Goin' for it again in  *
                    *     '93--With a little less "O"     *
                    *          and a lot more "D"!        *
                     *        [log in to unmask]         *