Reported in Bangor Daily News 4/9/92:
            Scott Pellerin has turned pro.  He signed a contract to play for
the Utica Devils of the AHL for their Post-season.  Utica is NJ's farm team,and
they begin play vs. Binghamton on Friday.  Scott was eating lunch yesterday
when he was informed to go to the hockey office immediately.  He was told that
he had 1/2 hour to decide whether to go or stay.  He decided to give it a shot,
and was in Utica last night.  He says that this is his "Big chance" and says
that he feels "accepted" by his new teammates.
            I don't know Scott's plans for sure,but should Utica lose to Bing.
in the first round,he might be able to return and graduate.  But we'll see.
  Graduation is May 9.
"The views expressed by the host of this show are not neccessarily those of the
staff or management of this station.  Yes,there are STILL those out there who
do not agree with me......What does that make them?????  WRONG!!!!!!!!!
                                                    Rush Limbaugh 8/1/91