It is fair to say that this may have been the most important college hockey
game in a long while, not only because of the tournament itself, but
because college hockey was suddenly thrust into the hockey foreground by
the NHL strike.  Did this thought occur to either team?  Certainly not to
Wisconsin, because no one would embarrass themselves like UW did after
losing.  I am not saying that they should lay down and play dead--North
American hockey players are not known for reservedness.
I guess what irks me is that a team would lose its cool so completely when
college hockey has so much to gain.  Since Michigan was in BOTH FFs hockey
got mention during the oh-so-precious basketball FF.  Because of the strike
papers began turning to college coverage to satiate the hockey nuts.  Now
all that I read is about the impending inquiry into the post-game "antics"
of the UW players.
In some limited Junior B experience I never saw a team lose its cool when
big things we on the line.  Especially when we thought we might make the TV
or the paper.  That's normally the time when you try and make yourself look
a little "bigger" than you actually are.
I don't mean to bash UW.  They are a good team and had a fantastic run.
But I feel like a good opportunity was lost.  People were coming up to me
and asking questions about college hockey.  "Who is LSSU?  What's the ECAC?
What's 'icing?'" People were *interested*.  I hope that doesn't fade here
in the hockey desert of Iowa.
Bill Hoeman