The First Annual If I Was An Alien From Outer Space Hence Had ABSOLUTELY
ZERO Loyalties To Any College Or University I Would Root For _____ Award
Goes To:
  Minnesota.  They give the appearance of being a class group.  I've never
seen a "cheap" tactic by the Golden Gophers.  Aside from the recent NMU
fan incident, the only negative I've heard this season was Coach Woog's
whining about the officiating after losing to Michigan.  It seems that
in a strange twist of fate, the players are actually more reserved than
the coach.  Anyway, Minnesota impressed me even though I saw them go 0-3.
They never hung their heads or resorted to sucker-punching anyone that
was about to defeat them (hereafter refered to as "Zenting").  Here's
wishing the Golden Gophers a fantastic 1992-93.
John H
U Mich
-- of course this is biased on the basis of my exposure to the various
teams, but who's reading at this point anyway?