Congratulation's Lakers for the big win!  I watched the game on ESPN
here in Canton, Ohio.  I felt LSSU deserved to win.  A team should win the
championship as a result of a total team effort, not as a result of one
player (Jason Zent).  Although I do credit him for his playing, I also thought
his sucker punch was uncalled for.  I also thought the Wisconsin players were
unsportsmanlike in cussing at the refs at the end of the game  (for those of
you who were at the game, or did not notice on ESPN, they were swearing at the
refs quite a bit).  Whether a ref makes a mistake or not, a game is a game is
a game.  What do the rest of you think of this?
* Tim Harrison       * President                        *
* R3TLH              * Canton Street Hockey Association *
* AkronVM.UAkron.Edu * Canton, Ohio                     *