Thanks to Keith Marder (Beat writer for Union College Hockey and
user of the college hockey forum on Prodigy) The following appeared in
Today's Albany Times Union on page D-3 under "NCAA NOTEBOOK"
 ---They did it Phor Phun
A bunch of people, who became friends on a college hockey computer
bulletin board called "Hockey-L," got together for a little shindig
Thursday between games.
  At their party, buttons were passed around, making fun of the NCAA.
The NCAA has place a copyright  on Final Four for its Basketball
  To combat this, they handed out buttons which read "1992 Hockey-L
NC$$ Phinal Phour."
  They haven't decided whether or not to copyright their phantastic
idea.  ----
   Thanks for the Press Keith (Keith told me that he was sorry he couldn't
make it, but he was covering the first game, and was writing his story
during the dinner).