> John Haeussler writes:
> > Wisconsin
> > would be included in this bunch IF Derksen were healthy.
> I think you are right about Derksen's injury having an impact;
> -- Erik
Come on guys, do you really believe this? or are you speculating what the
committe is going to think.
An injury to a player (or multiple players for that matter) should not have any
impact on whether or not a TEAM (according to webster a team is defined as a
group of people working or playing together,especially as one side in a contest)
is or is not selected into the tournament. That's just total bull. Correct me
if I'm wrong, but in the selection criteria, I don't think right after
head-to-head competition comes healthiest team.
If any team was not chosen because (or even slightly impacted by) an injury it
would be a crime.
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