There is a mistake in the article about the UMaine victory over PC which I
 posted last evening.  Scott Pellerin did NOT record a hat trick,although he
 should have.  The confusion arose when Pelly had a goal called back when a PC
 defenseman took the net off while the puck was about 6 inches from the goal
 line.  It could have been called a goal,however,because the puck would have
 gone in had the net not been removed by the defense.  However,the officials
 determined that it was "unintentional",and disallowed the goal.  In my opinion
 which is a LITTLE biased,it should have been a goal because the replay showed
 that the removal of the net was intentional.
  I was videotaping the game,and the replay monitor for The Maine Broadcasting
 System,who was showing the game live,was positioned right in front of me. The
    goal should have been allowed.  For the record,I was not the only person
 who thought that Pelly had the hat trick,because when he scored his second
 (third) goal,a couple of fans threw their hats onto the Alfond Ice.
         Sorry about the mixup.
Next Weekend:UMaine vs. Merrimack  Another reunion of the Weinrich Brothers-
 also NYA grads
                                               J.S.H. Forsyth
                                                NYA '91 UMO '95
         "The man who wins may have been counted
           out several times,but he didn't hear the referee."
                                                   H.E. Jansen