David from Wisconsin writes:
> Coach Sauer checked with Rick Comley (NMU Coach and member
> of the NCAA Ice Hockey committee) thursday night, before
> the WCHA Semi-finals. He was assured that Wisconsin was in the
> NCAA tournament. He (Sauer) then let Derksen decide if he was
> ready to play or not. Derksen felt that he wasn't sharp, since he
> hadn't played in several weeks, and had only practiced that week,
> and said he thought Michellizzi should play. Jon didn't play that
> well, and Wisconsin lost (not just because of Michellizzi, but it
> was a factor).
> *THE NEXT DAY* Sauer was told that if they lost to CC (remember, this
> was before NMU beat Minnesota for the WCHA Tournament Championship),
> that they wouldn't be in the NCAA (and Providence would be).
> Sauer was very upset by this news.  Derksen played, and the Badger's won.
> That evening, NMU beat Minnesota for the WCHA Tournament
> Cahmpionship, and NMU Coach and NCAA Committee Member Comley
> openly lobbied for Wisconsin to be 5W and the Wildcats 6W. (That
> sounds harsh -- I am not saying Comley did anything wrong -- it
> was the circumstances that were wrong. Seedings shouldn't be
> subject to political pressure).
David, I'm pretty uncomfortable with seeing something like this on a
nationally distributed list without more background.  Even though you
say you feel Rick Comley did nothing wrong, what you relate certainly
looks bad, in a couple of respects, to others, I think.(It does to me
and you know who I root for!).  Would you please tell us your source
for such detailed and intimate information?  Thanks.
Incidentally, I agree with your and Mike's comments about the effect
of the seedings, and it does seem pretty ironic that you're better off
to get seeded lower--and even potentially dangerous, as Mike notes.
As to John from U Mich  and the power plays in the NMU-UMich game:
I'd prefer this:  let them play *even* for a period--or three!  (I'm
sure a lot of us noticed that it was Michigan 5, Northern 1 when
the Wolverines had an advantage, NMU 2, Michigan 0 when the Wildcats
were on the power play; and NMU 3, Michigan 2 when they were at even
                     *      Steve Christopher, NMU       *
                    *  "Go 'Cats!''Going for two in '93!" *
                     *        [log in to unmask]         *