Intentional Offsides: The only advantage to be gained by intentional offsides
 is the stoppage of play. (A chance to change lines,talk to the coach,etc.)
   ESPN's Coverage: ESPN probably won't begin any real hype until today or Tues
day.  They did mention it a couple of weeks ago,but the  real hype will begin
this week-but watch carefully,E$PN isn't going to put too much into this becaus
e they don't expect to get much out(Once again $$ talks).
      NC$$ and the Fans: In literal terms the fan has little power.  But to
organizations like the NC$$,the fans are the ones who support the schools and
teams,and if they are organized and have a strong message,the NC$$ will listen.
Because if they didn't,we wouldn't pay $$$ to watch the games.
Then again,they haven't listened yet(TV Coverage in the East)and we still pay$-
8500 Saturday night in Providence.
                                  Just some thoughts...
                                                       John Forsyth