In addition, this is only the third time ever that one region has had all
four FFour teams.  From 1948 to 1980, it was impossible for there not to be
two West and two East teams.  In 1981, the tourney was expanded to eight
teams (for the 2nd time! it was done for one year in 1960) and teams
crossed over in the quarterfinals (the crossover was not done in 1960).
So, in 1981, 1984, and now again in 1992, the West could claim all four FFour
teams.  The East has never done it.
Wisconsin (6W) is the first sixth seed ever to make the FFour.  MSU (5W) is
the first fifth seed.
This is only the 2nd time that one conference has sent three teams to the
FFour (CCHA).  In 1981, the WCHA sent Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan Tech.
- mike