This is just to follow up on a posting I made about a week ago, in which
I said I had overheard someone say that G Scott LaGrand wouldn't be back
to BC because he did not get along with appointed new head coach Steve
I got to talk to someone even closer to the situation who said that nothing
could be further from the truth - that the two have always gotten along and
so this wouldn't be a factor in any decision he makes regarding returning
to BC next year or not.  This person was surprised to hear that someone would
have made such a claim.  IMHO, this source is more credible than the unnamed
ones I mentioned last week.  I'm also inclined to believe that the person I
said had claimed he was offered an assistant's job at BC was guilty at least
to some extent of exaggerating.
In the interest of presenting both sides of the story, I felt it was only
fair that I post this information so folks can hear the other side and also
know that I don't have anything against BC or the people involved (or anyone
else in the game, for that matter).  Sorry for posting a likely inaccurate
representation of the situation based on things I had only overheard, I
promise to be fairer and use better judgment in the future.
- mike