Following Mr. Forsyth's posting (sorry, don't know how to lift passages yet),
I think the day the NC$$ does something 'for the good of college hockey' is
about the same time hell will freeze over. I used to think the NC$$ was a
not-for-profit organization, but with the way the NC$$ handles its
respective championships and its marketing practices, this is a falsehood.
This latest NC$$ 'sleight of hand' trickery is an outrage. Not everyone can
make it to Providence, and the NC$$ had a prime opportunity to give college
hockey the recognition and publicity it deserves. With this announcement
this morning that TV coverage has been dropped, I cannot help but think that
the NC$$ is driven solely by what my economics professor would refer to as
'profit maximization.'
What a shame. College hockey deserves better than this.