Date sent:  25-MAR-1992 12:18:44
Hopefully someone from the Salem State hockey program will
read this and pass it on to the players.
I was one of the 3500 who cheered you to victory this past
Saturday when you beat UWS.
I must admit it was a pretty proud moment for me.  I realize that
it's tough to come into another place to play.  I think a lot of
the fans were rooting for Eastern Hockey, and I was especially proud of
that fact. An interesting article appeared in our local press regarding
the support you received.  The author then reminded us of the  time when
Plattsburgh was out in Minnesota during the '86 Final Four.  So much
for Eastern teams supporting each other: RIT fans were rooting for
the home crowd over Plattsburgh.
I really can't see how people can have such animosity when it comes
to cheering at hockey games.  All the players are there to have fun-
it is only a game.
One last note--After the near-tragedy which I witnessed a few weeks
ago, I don't think many Plattsburgh fans(or others) will wish pain
upon another player again, even if one is only kidding.
(p.s.--Mr. Rowe from POINT--Why weren't you at the game in Plattsburgh?)
NOTE: 14 line signature follows.
|                           ||                                              |
|  Mary M. Ashline          ||   U.S. Mail:  Sibley Hall                    |
|  Graduate Student         ||               SUNY                           |
|  Department of Hearing &  ||               Plattsburgh, NY  12901         |
|        Speech Science     ||               Phone: (518) 564-2170          |
|  State Univ. of New York  ||                                              |
|        at Plattsburgh     ||   BITNET:     ASHL5645@SNYPLAVA              |
|                           || INTERNET: [log in to unmask] |