I really like John's idea,  I wasn't thinking very much when I thought of the
four team tourney.  An eight team tournament is a good idea, in fact I agree
more with any tournament which has a power of 2 number of teams (2,4,8...)
because it removes all of the byes and de-emphasizes the seedings a bit.  Now
if it could only incorporate the independents...
-Ryan Stone
 Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) '93
 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute '93
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| RYAN G. STONE                    | | "In the Beginning, there was a Great |
| 218 North Hall, R.P.I.           | |  Void.  Then God said 'Let there be  |
| Troy, NY   12180-3590            | |  Light!'  There was still a Great    |
| (518) 276-7230                   | |  Void, but at least He could see it."|
| e-mail: [log in to unmask]          | |                   -Source Unknown    |
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