A general question:
Last night I was watching the highlights (the few that were shown) of the USA
- Finland game.  During the closing, the announcers said that the US had now
clinched a bearth in the medal round.
I do not understand this statement.  As I understand the way the tournament is
structured, the top two teams from pool A and the top two teams from pool B
end up in the medal round.  The US is now 3-0 but could end up third in the
standings if the standings are determined by who beat who or even fourth if
the standings are determined by goals.
The way I figure it, the US could be 3-2.  Sweden, Finland and possibly Italy
could all finish ahead of the US (depending on how standings are determined).
What is the real scoop?
Eric Maiwald                             maiwald at dockmaster.ncsc.mil
RPI '87                               Go, Go, Go, You, Red, Red, Red!!!