> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1992 00:31:26 EST
> From: Wayne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: US Olympic Updates
> To: Multiple recipients of list HOCKEY-L <[log in to unmask]>
> someone said (concerning posts to hockey-l) ...
> >What do others think?
> If anyone has comments on the administration of the list, please send
> your response to me personally and not to the list.  Thank you.
Well, Wayne, I have a comment, and im going to make it publicly.  I
think you do one heck of a fine job administering this list.  Most
people haven't the foggiest of how much goes on behind the scenes in
administrating a list, and that task requires a lot of effort.  I've
also been in several extended off line discussions involving wayne
(among others) and wayne's major concern has always been the good of
the list and not necessarily the convenience of the administrator.
Thanks Wayne.  HOCKEY-L wouldn't be happening without you.  Thanks
also to a whole bunch of others.  HOCKEY-L wouldn't be as valuable
without them.  Sit back and think about how little you'd know about
college hockey without HOCKEY-L.  I'd know air force and cc scores
regularly, and i might even get weekly updates of the wcha standings,
but that would be about it.
So, to all you people who make the list good and valuable, thanks for
your efforts.
> Wayne Smith
> The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
> BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
> internet:     [log in to unmask]
charlie shub  [log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
  or even         (719) 593-3492