Help!  I have a running post of the Olympic hockey results on my office
door including the following information.  CAPS indicate players with NHL
experience.  () Indicates the players collegiate or junior team.  Please
let me know of any errors in my list.  Recent posts have listed Ray
LeBlanc as having NHL experience.  Did he play earlier this year?  I'm
quite sure that he didn't play in the NHL prior to 1991-92.  Also, wasn't
LeBlanc born in Whitby, Ontario?  What's the story there?  Thanks for your
help and information.
                          U.S. OLYMPIC HOCKEY ROSTER
Goaltenders                               Forwards
Mike Dunham (Maine)                       CLARK DONATELLI (Boston Univ)
SCOTT GORDON (Boston College)             Ted Donato (Harvard)
Ray LeBlanc (Kitchener, OHL)              Ted Drury (Harvard)
                                          David Emma (Boston College)
Defensemen                                Steve Heinze (Boston College)
GREG BROWN (Boston College)               Jim Johannson (Univ of Wisconsin)
GUY GOSSELIN (Minn-Duluth)                Shawn McEachern (Boston Univ)
Bret Hedican (St Cloud State)             Marty McInnis (Boston College)
SEAN HILL (Univ of Wisconsin)             JOE SACCO (Boston Univ)
Scott Lachance (Boston Univ)              TIM SWEENEY (Boston College)
MOE MANTHA (Toronto, OMJHL)               Keith Tkachuk (Boston Univ)
Dave Tretowicz (Clarkson)                 C.J. Young (Harvard)
                                          SCOTT YOUNG (Boston Univ)
John Haeussler
Univ of Michigan('89,'90)