This morning on WEEI, Mike Eruzione reported that the 15 US Olympic Team
members from BC, BU or Harvard were following the Beanpot in France through
some papers he had given them.  Eruzione said the BC players were taking
quite a ribbing. :-)  He said that some members of the entourage were
going to try to get over to the tv studios late tonight so they could
see the championship game (which will be played at 2 am Albertville time)
live by satellite.  Hopefully this won't include any players since they
play Germany the next day!
Eruzione also said that the BU players were feeling pretty confident and
giving the Harvard players a goal.  He thought that was too much.
In the Globe today, Kevin Dupont calls Team USA "Team CIB (Commonwealth
of Independent Beanpotters)".
- mike