Not much more to say than that, it was a very chippy game an if referee Cole
had been so inclined the game could have been played 3-on-3 for the entire
second and third periods.  In fact, after the worst 5-on-5 fight I have ever
seen, approximately the last 3 minutes of the game was played 3-on-3.  In
which time, Dartmouth scored twice and RPI once, to send it into overtime,
where finally the teams got back to 5-on-5, and continued to Hold, Trip, Hook
and slash each other, instead of trying to score.
	I was impressed by the play of Dartmouth Goalie Geutens (sp?).  He
was the reason Dartmouth came away with a tie, wioth some excellent saves
in the 3-on-3.  Neil Little did NOT impress me however.  He made a few nice
saves, but let in some soft goals IMO.  If RPI plays tonight, like they did
last night, the BIG RED FREAKOUT will be a very lopsided game, and not in
RPI's favor.
-Ryan Stone
 Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) '93
 Rensselaer '93
| RYAN G. STONE                     | "An individual can make a difference  |
| Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  |  a team can make a miracle."          |
| e-mail: [log in to unmask]           |              - 1980 U.S. Hockey Team  |